As we get close to the end of Season 1 in The War Within, all the dungeon data is set and out. Players now can see which dungeon is played and completed the most as well as which one is the hardest to finish. The Season is still not over yet. So, you can join the adventure once you purchase WoW gold and gear up your character. Today, we’ll break down all of the 8 dungeons that are in the current Mythic+ pool of Season 1, ranked from best to worst.
What Is The Dungeon Ranking Based On?
All of the dungeons we’ll list are ranked based on a couple of factors. One of these factors is the pick rate of a dungeon, from week 1 to 21, which indicates a global preference for specific dungeons over the rest. Other factors will include the balancing of the dungeon, the runbacks, and the chance to obtain valuable loot. Without delaying more, let’s get into our list right away.
Mist of Tirna Scithe – The Most Played Dungeon of S1
Coming strong at the number one spot is Mist of Tirna Scithe. Mist claims the first spot with the overwhelming 16,05% pick rate. It is arguably the quickest dungeon in the Season 1 pool. It consists of 3 bosses which are fairly straightforward to understand in terms of mechanics. It has great respawn points and offers buffs for the whole group if someone possesses the Herbalism profession. You don’t need to spend or buy gold at all, having the profession is enough to do the trick.
There is also the maze puzzle section of the dungeon that can be fun to get through. The mobs in the dungeons do not have that many vital casts that need to be stopped. The hardest part of the dungeon is arguably the second boss. This boss requires team coordination with the phase that the whole group needs to focus on the correct cloning. Overall, Mist of Tirna Scithe is a quick and enjoyable dungeon. It was also the top dungeon of the Shadowlands expansion.
Ara-Kara, City of Echoes
Ara-Kara, City of Echoes comes in second spot with the 14,10% pick rate as one of the newest dungeons introduced in The War Within. This dungeon is also on the shorter end with 3 bosses in total. The respawn points are not that close to each other, but after defeating the first boss, there is a flight path that works as a shortcut for the whole dungeon.
As one of the newest dungeons, Ara-Kara is truly well-balanced. It does not offer much of a choice in terms of pathing but it compensated with the enjoyable mob encounters. The hardest part of the dungeon is the last boss since it requires solid team coordination and puts a great strain on the healer. Simply said, hard but entertaining fight. The biggest strength of the instance is the Best In Slot trinket for most of the DPS classes that can drop but can’t buy with gold in WoW.
Grim Batol
Grim Batol was introduced in Cataclysm expansion and brought back for Season 1 of TWW. It ranks third with a 13,06% pick rate, and it’s one of the longest dungeons in the current Season of WoW. Grim Batol has 4 bosses that require specific mechanics to beat. However, despite being a dungeon from one of the earliest expansions, it’s nicely made in terms of balance.
The runbacks in the dungeon are probably the worst part of it since they are unnecessarily long. The first two bosses aren’t much of a challenge compared to the third. Moreover, the last boss is the easiest one. The dungeon also drops one of the best Trinkets for most of the healers which makes Grim Batol appealing to complete.
Siege of Boralus
Next up is Siege of Barolus with a 12,60% pick rate. The dungeon consists of 4 bosses and is one of the longest dungeons in the S1. The bosses are fairly easy in comparison with some other dungeon bosses, with the expectation of the last boss. It is a fairly unusual boss fight and it requires good group coordination. However, the real challenge of the dungeon is the big groups of unskippable mobs and patrols.
Since the dungeon was first introduced in The Battle for Azeroth expansion, a lot of players are familiar with it, making the dungeon easier for some. The runbacks are not poor but are not great either. Overall, the Siege of Boralus is a decent dungeon, delivering middle-class difficulty and entertainment. Moreover, it doesn’t have that much of frustrating mechanics.
The Dawnbreaker
The Dawnbreaker is one of the dungeons introduced in the current expansion. It has a pick rate of 12,48%, which is slightly lower than the Siege of Boralus. The dungeon is fairly short, consisting of 3 bosses and a lot of different mobs that can be pulled for the % progression.
It also introduces a new gimmick to the game, which adds flying as a necessary part of completing the dungeon. Thanks to that, the runbacks are done quickly since players can use their mount to fly back to the group.
The Necrotic Wake
Another dungeon that is revived from the Shadowlands expansion is The Necrotic Wake. The pick rate for this dungeon is 11,73%. It has 4 bosses in total and players can fight the last boss right after defeating the third one. The runbacks of the dungeon take a lot of time, even when using a mount.
Some of the mob battles can be frustrating since they have a lot of unavoidable group damage and constant spellcasting. The boss encounters are hard to some degree in a way that doesn’t provide that much enjoyment.
The Stonevault
The Stonevault is another dungeon that belongs to the The War Within expansion. It has 4 bosses and a bunch of mob fights. After defeating the first boss, players have two options for which boss to do first. However, the group needs to defeat both of them to proceed to the last one.
This somehow gives more options to the players in terms of managing their cooldowns. However, both of the bosses require team coordination and become unnecessarily hard and unbalanced at the higher difficulty. This is the main reason why The Stonevault has a pick rate of 10,96% and is not favored that much this season.
City of Threads – Least Played and Loved Dungeon of S1
And finally, the dungeon with the lowest pick rate is City of Threads, with only 9,02%. This is yet another dungeon from the current expansion. It has 4 bosses and the runbacks of the dungeon are not that bad. However, the dungeon requires unnecessary walking between patrolling mobs that will instantly teleport the player to the entrance if caught.
On top of that, the third boss of the dungeon is pure pain, requiring all of the players to pick up orbs that put healing absorb on them. If the boss consumes them, it heals itself, making it extremely frustrating to deal with. All in all, City of Threads is a poorly designed and unbalanced dungeon.